It's good to let things be. But it's not fine to let evil rule
But fighting evil is not a combat of our concepts against someone else's concept, it is the battle against seeing concepts as real in general "
-Lama Rangbar-
These days it seems the news is filled with all kinds of clashing notions people have about what is right and wrong. Our western minds are so concerned with right and wrong and we often seek out and use some convenient reference point that we have been taught to be the true and right one. We then go on to take the arduous task upon ourseleves to uphold whatever those concepts may be and inevitably come into conflict with others who have a different value system.
If we are a religious type, we might even try to impose our sense of right and wrong on everyone around us. But this approach never results in harmony or accomplishment of our wishes. We may start to see ourselves as spiritual or moral police and it fails because our values just don't travel well. We may even find that we are arguing with those from our same religion and have drastically different views than the religious authorities that govern our belief systems. It is absurd to believe that such a way of following a religion would yield anything other than more suffering.
Nowadays, everyone is concerned that the rules we are living by or are governed by, seem to be failing us very badly. This is true. But if asked to design all the rules afresh, one would quickly realize how difficult it is to come up with a one-size-fits-all set of rules that work everywhere all the time. Our world is complex not simple.
The real battle against evil is the one which rages on inside ourselves. In the tradition of Buddhism or Awakenism as I like to call it, we need to hunt down the culprit. In meditation we find that we are completely complicit in the turbulence we experience. Recognizing this partially could be depressing. Recognizing this deeply could be very empowering, even liberating. One way or another, we must must not run away from our own faults by simply pointing them out in others. That is far too cheap. If it is we who are suffering and we understand that we are completely complicit in that, then the suffering can become a source of nectar and understanding.
Becoming an expert at the transformation of suffering is one indication that our meditation is going in the right direction.
If we do this, then we can start to talk about getting simple and helping others.