Prayers and Cermonies

There are many reasons people engage in Buddhist offering ceremonies. Many of us are very aware of how our internal structure and dispositions frame what arises for us in our inner and outer worlds. We are aware, that without changing something inside ourselves we cannot really expect much change outside. But how can we gain the needed clarity, focus and resolve to actually shift or transform ourselves and our situations? Sponsoring or participating in practices, offering ceremonies or aspiration prayers, are not blind superstitious or primitive beliefs. If approached properly, these activities can sow the seeds for real inner and outer transformation. Troublesome circumstances and obstacles can be transformed into conducive ones while much needed blessings, prosperity and well-being can be developed.

All offering ceremonies done by Lama Rangbar are first and foremost done for the benefit of all beings nobody left out. This forms the vast altruistic base by which the offering ceremonies and prayers gain their blessing stream, wisdom, power and compassion.

Those wishing to support such prayers of offering ceremonies can do so on many scales ranging from the simplest and most humble request for some prayers, to large elaborate offering ceremonies for specifically desired best outcomes. We should understand that Lamas are always doing general prayers for the welfare of all beings. But when we wish to have specific prayers or activity rituals performed, especially on the names of individuals etc, we must understand that there are costs and efforts involved in realizing those functions and be ready to cover those costs.

In Asia, it is already part of the culture to understand how much to give or what to expect when inviting Lamas and assistants into our homes or places of work or when we ask Lamas to perform ceremonies. Here in the west however, we have no choice but to give you an idea of the costs to put the activities in perspective and to assure adequate connection to the process for the offering ceremonies to be effectual.

In order to determine what ritual is needed, a divination may or may not be required. After inquiring about that, or if the activity is already known, a conversation with Lama Rangbar’s assistant is necessary to hone down the activity and the costs involved. Then, a date and location are set ahead of time and the activities consummated and dedicated.

Sponsoring Prayers or Offering Ceremonies can be done with a wide range of motivations. However, in the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition, offering ceremonies are performed starting with the motivation to benefit all beings. Naturally, we ourselves are included in such a vision and so by dedicating the prayers widely and then towards specific individuals helps us attain the two benefits of self and others.

Prayers can be done for a wide range of needs and situations. If you are not supporting a prayer or offering ceremony based on the instruction of a Lama, it may be helpful to have a divination completed to determine the proper course of action to be taken.

Ceremonies can be completed through a few avenues:

  1. Lama Rangbar and his assistants performs the prayers or activities at our center.

  2. The prayers and activities are accomplished at a location of the host’s choice

  3. Larger offering ceremonies can be arranged by Lama Rangbar and supported through our affiliate centers and Lamas in Asia.