To Feel or not to Feel, That is the awareness
Today, thanks to technology, people are bombarded with all kinds of information about what is happening in the far reaches of our world and sometimes even beyond. The information is by and large unfiltered and unprocessed. Some of the information maybe relatively accurate and much of it has in fact been weaponized.
World and Wisdom, Jigtenpa or Yeshepa
At one point or another, a question will arise for most Tantric Buddhists on the path. Our refuge vow ceremony clearly states that the refuge vow is broken as soon as we take refuge in Worldly Deities. But if one were to purify one’s own perception completely, as is the case of a Buddha, (Sangye or totally purified), we would see all beings as Buddha due to their essential Buddha nature. This also holds true for the Worldly Deities.

On Hope and Fear
Although Buddhists seem to try to stay away from hope and fear, there are deeper ways of looking at these primary emotions.

Non-secular and secular compassion
On the eve of the completion of several major events at our Buddhist meditation center in Big Indian NY, I reflect on the ways in which our center will serve those connected with it.

Having recently completed the Gutor wrathful reversing practices, I feel it is a good time to clarify why we do these practices and how they must be seen and engaged in, within their own proper contexts. One of the most common mistakes made by practitioners is to take liturgical or textual descriptions of the nondual absolute reality and to dualize or intellectualize them. There are many mentions of things we consider to be negative mentioned within the wrathful practice sessions ranging from unwanted or perverted views, bad circumstances, enemies, sicknesses, demonic influences, etc. It is very easy for people reading these texts to mistakenly externalize these notions if they are taken dualistically.
A Little Child Shall Lead Them
There was a phrase from the Bible Elias Friedensohn used to title a work: A Little Child Shall Lead Them. Originally this phrase referred to the necessity of having a pure and innocent heart if one wanted to gain entry into heaven. Instead, in this painting, Elias showed what happens when a young boy is allowed to let an experiment in narcissism run amok without any disciplinary action.

The passing of yet another great sage: His Holiness Dungse Shenphen Dawa Norbu Rinpoche
His Holiness SDR was a very warm being. He was wise, knowledgeable, friendly, candid and for me, accessible. He was a teacher, friend, brother, father, and executioner for thousands of people. At the same time, His Holiness was an incredibly private and shy person who made sure to keep his personal and his clerical responsibilities separated despite his accessible presence among us.

Seeing What is in Front of You
When I was young and studying martial arts with my Chinese Indonesian Master, Suhu Subur Rahardja, I asked him directly, “Suhu, what is the ultimate accomplishment one can achieve in the martial arts?" Since I was about to embark on a lifetime of study and practice, I really wanted to know where we were headed.. His response was distinctly Buddhist. He replied: “To see what is in front of you." He continued, “but that is not very easy.”

He Saw God Before They Did
One only need read some of the many passages in Leviticus to understand the many reasons we are free to stone our neighbors including the way they sport their beards or weave their fabrics.

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work we go
On this day just before my tour to Europe, I feel inspired or pressured to leave my Dharma Friends and Bodhivastu community with some issues to reflect on.
For me, one of the main driving factors in what I chose to do and what I feel needs to be a focus of mine in this short life, is that I have taken the words and examples of my teachers more or less literally.

Sound Off for Peace and Well-Being
Although the visual examples of how sound influences various types of media have now been around for a long time, humanity as a whole has been slow to understand the depths to which the science of sound plays a role in our daily lives and the extent to which it can be employed for producing profoundly good and tangible results.

Long Life for Acharya Dawa Chodrak Rinpoche
For anyone connected with me or better still, directly to this great master, or for anyone who wishes to form a connection to him in this or future lives, I hope you will take up his long life prayer on a daily basis. The reason for this are manifold but to list a few:

"Property is Theft" The possibilities of re-establishing a custodial world
in 1840 French anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon coined the slogan: "Property is theft"
The essence of this statement implies a custodial view of humans in nature.
Join us for an exploration of how this is relevant today.

Mariamma Tara Ritrod Lomma Gyonma
Many Masters have declared that one of the most profound methods to pacify epidemics in our age is by the practice of Ritrod Lomma Gyonma, the 20th Tara which protects from epidemics and contagious diseases. As is the case with all of the 21 Taras, they have graced our world in almost countless forms in order to benefit beings with a myriad of sufferings. One of these earliest recorded forms is Shree Mariamma which is an emanation of Tara Ritrod Lomma Gyonma who graced our world.
Earth Day Special: An Awakened Earth
" We are coming to trust the more silent voices in our hearts as compared to the toxic ones in our heads, and we are learning to sit down and listen to nature's ground."
Theravada and Vajrayana
Just as the preliminary practices of the Vajrayana systems could be considered to be the most important or profound, each time we address our foundations we are better for it. There is no amount of sweet talk that will bring people into a stable understanding of their own natures. The only way is for individuals to face their own minds on the battle ground called "The Seat".

An Offering of Homage to The Guru, The Buddha Vajra Lord of Refuge Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche
As deeply sad as it makes us, the passing of our own root teacher presents us with several very important injunctions as well. On the one hand, it is a reminder that the circumstances we have today, including the most important and positive ones, are without any doubt, fleeting and impermanent. On the other hand, we become more attuned with the urgent need to practice while we still have the fleeting chance in hand. The situation also gives us a chance to understand the process of an individual as they practice meditation all the way through to the stages of complete Realization and Enlightenment. We can reflect on what Rinpoche did in his life to bring himself to that level, and we can reflect on the vastness of his qualities and endeavor to emulate his life example. Furthermore, this entire process gives us a chance to better clarify and understand what our own organization is all about.

The Underwear of the Gods. A Thanksgiving Archetype Offering by Lama Rangbar Nyima Ozer
"The key is to restore our meditation practice. To slow down our CPUs, slow down our CEOs, slow down our Thanksgiving purchases and instead dwell a bit in Vishnu’s way of seeing things. Appreciate your relatives regardless of how insane you may think they are. Be thankful and have a moment where presence is more significant than presents. By this offering, may all beings gradually de-escalate our violent minds....." - Lama Rangbar

Meditation, Entanglement and Political Climates
"There’s something molecular or quantum about humans. Each human individual has an immense potential for structuring the universe all within themselves. One can even go so far as to say that if only one individual reaches the ultimate in complete self-recognition, that there is almost nothing that cannot be influenced towards the positive in our entire universe. " -Lama Rangbar-